
​​ID badges are a property of the City of Chicago and must be returned when unescorted access to airport security areas is no longer required to perform job duties. To ensure the integrity and security of the airport, authorized signatories must immediately notify the Office of Compliance when access is no longer required. During non-business hours, the employers must contact the Communications Center to deactivate the badge.

  • OCC: (773) 894-5000
  • MCC: (773) 838-0656

Termination Forms​ are mandatory and are used to record and document ID Badge deactivation. Signatories must receive a Termination Receipt Form to document badge returns to the Chicago Department of Aviation (CDA).

Badge Holders: Please refer to the ID Badge Regulations and Practices Handbook for more information. To review a copy of the Handbook, please contact your designated signatory for more information.​